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UV Curing Lamps for Manufacturing

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The ultraviolet spectrum (UV) is one kind of energy that is visible in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, which is in between visible light and the x-rays. It has less distance than visible light, but it has higher intensity (or frequencies).

Wavelength is the distance between two peak values that is measured in nanometers.
Frequency is the number of waves in a given time, measured in Hz or per second.
Short wavelengths are high-frequency wavelengths that are shorter in duration.
Long Wavelengths = Low Frequency require more time to finish

The EM spectrum is comprised of seven regions that are based on frequency and wavelength.

Radio Waves – Long waves that are used in communication like radio, voice data, and various other forms of media.
Microwaves are a source of heat for microwave ovens, radar , and high-bandwidth communications.
Infrared is invisible to the naked eye, but can be perceived as heat. Imagine a toaster.
Visible Light is visible by the human eye.
Ultraviolet (UV) is not visible through the naked eye but is broken down into B, A, C & V
Soft x-rays are created by the acceleration of electrons. Dangerous.
Gamma Rays – X-rays that are hard produced by atomic nuclei are able to kill cancer cells. Very risky.

UV generated by the Sun in contrast to Man-made

Sunlight is only around 10% UV, and only one third of that UV is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. Of that third the majority is UVA that has the least energy and is constantly in the air around us. It can cause skin tan as well as cause cellulite to increase and can damage DNA.

UVB accounts for the rest 5 percent of the total and UVB is the UV that causes DNA damage directly within skin cells. It can cause cataracts, sunburn and the majority of skin cancers.

UVC is the one with the most energy however UVC from the sun can not penetrate the Earth’s surface due to it being blocked by oxygen. UVC causes damage and destruction to genetic material. UVC can be used to purify water and air as well as to sterilize and disinfect. UVC is generated or created by the passage of an electric current through mercury that has been vaporized. It is possible to create artificial (man-made) ultraviolet light sources comprise tanning lamps UV curing lamps, mercury vapor lamps and germicidal lamps.

UV is a great health benefit UV

The sun’s warmth can bring out the best in the majority of us. It helps us feel more energetic and boosts our mood. The exposure to UVB from the sun can boost vitamin D production. This provides numerous health benefits, such as Serotonin production. Vitamin D helps to promote better sleep, stronger bonesand better immune system and may lower blood pressure. Another benefit of UV is the treatment of certain skin diseases. The PUVA procedure is a light-based treatment that makes use of UVA exposure to light in conjunction with cream or a medication and is thought to fight eczema and vitiligo as well as lymphoma, and psoriasis.

All-day, Common Utilization of UV

UV is utilized for drying and disinfecting a variety of products you’ve probably come across and buy. Dentists frequently make use of UV to cure resins , or to whiten teeth. Also, nail salons utilize tiny UV heaters to rapidly dry polish. 3D printers and UV are used to rapidly dry ink on models or paper.

Although these are all common applications Did not you consider that the UV light is also employed to pasteurize juices and eliminate food-borne microorganisms? Apple cider, as well as other juices, are usually treated using UV light to kill microbes and pathogens. UV-C is utilized as a greenhouse watering system to clean the water that is contaminated to cleanse vegetables, lettuce and fruits. The contaminant in the water can trigger flares of E. bacteria that causes widespread illness.

Germicidal Lamps

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in several companies and individuals purchase germicidal lamps to clean their workplaces and homes. In the event of an insufficient supply in N95 respiratory masks, UV suggested as a way to clean respirators in hospitals. It was the NIH has even released a research study declaring that N95 respirators that were cleaned by ultraviolet and VHP (vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide) can be used as many times over as long as wearers ensure that the mask fits correctly.

UV Curing Lamps for manufacturing

A variety of manufacturing industries use UV to make the products you come across every day. UV’s quick-drying, energy efficient and environmentally friendly technology produces zero Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and is utilized for the manufacturing of numerous items, such as:

Food cans and soda
aerosol hairspray
Bottle caps and lids for jars
toothpaste tubes
plastic and styrofoam cups
Pet food as well as garden supplies bags for pet food and garden supplies
hardwood flooring and flooring made of luxury vinyl (LVT) flooring
packaging of all kinds
auto parts, such as headlights and windshields for cars
Cell phone components of cell phones

Space is always at a cost in manufacturing facilities. Depending on the specific application that uses the technology, UV LED UV Curing Lamps on a production line could help a business save space. The typical thermal drying ovens used for large-volume production lines are between 50 and 200 feet in length according to the use and processing speed. Contrast that with an UV curing chamber designed that is designed for the same applications will take only 3-10 feet. The introduction of UV curing in an existing production line can bring faster production speeds and shorter cycle times and substantial production and cost savings.